Never expected that his daddy has downloaded an i-book app from Mac-Apple (for iphone or ipad). No doubt that my boy was so attracted to view the i-book version of "Dr.Seuss ABC". I-book can be viewed via 3 different options, "Read-to-me", "Read-it-myself" and "Auto-play". For my boy, he was delighted because of the "touch" effect which can play "sounds"... which he can't get it from the normal book. But it aroused his interest to read this book.
Last night, my boy wanted his daddy to read this book. So his daddy held the book but my boy who sat on his lap was moving his index finger on the pages... then asked "why no sound?". Hilarious... (I looked at my hubby -- his i-book's fault) My hubby entertained his little boy and said "you point it again".. once my boy point at an image or a sentence, my hubby will
His daddy read: Aunt Annie's Alligator..
My boy said: Ooi.... crocodile! (point to the picture, see left)
His daddy repeated: Alligator. It's alligator.
My boy opposed: No, crocodile!
I explained: Crocodile and alligator look "same". (how to explain?)
My boy finally said: Aunt Annie's Alligator Crocodile. (haha, agreed to me?)
I decided to continue reading this book to him (not to wait till 4 y.o). I like how the book conveys uppercase and lowercase letters and produces the fun words in rhyme.
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